Thursday, 6 June 2013

Ethelred the Unready (child abduction)

carpentry door sizes funny I'm going to be late with my school project - I'll hand it in tomorrow. But is it a coincidence that a project on Beaches is due to be handed in on June the 6th?
Maybe I'll say it was delayed by bad weather.
I've been asking pointed questions about girlfriends recently. My Pocket Psychiatrist determined that it's because Erin has been a bit forward lately, demanding I kiss her, for we are betrothed, apparently. I don't want to marry her, maybe Pops or Beth, but he says I don't have to decide for a bit. I'm just not ready.
Today was Elmer day: she is a polychrome pachyderm that saves the world with her colourful patchwork ways. So we were all brightly dressed and didn't have to wear uniform, a bonus on this hot day.
peace be upon earth memorialIn return for Ben taking me to Fire Station Beavering, we're picking him up from school for Thursday Park. This is not the first time, usually we sneak in the back door, abduct him in a diplomatic bag and only tell a teacher on the way out. This time they're nervous about us agents being on the loose again and they've asked specially if we can use the doorbell and not just circumvent security. We found him (and ex-classmate Ingrid) and stowed him in the outgoing laundry lorry while the teacher was looking the other way.
In the park, we were 2, with 1 adult. Then the JBs got in, we were 4 with 2. Then we played football and "Denude the fallen branch of its leaves by bashing it against the Peace memorial". Then Bobsmum took him home, for he was ill and we were 3 with 1. Then Bensmum turned up and took over while he went to the doorshop; 3 with a different 1. Then we gained a LittleMax: 4 with 1. Our group waxed and waned further during the 2 hours in the sun, such is life as a Puddler.
bark less branches in sunlightNone of us stripped off in the bright sun but we did chance upon the idea of stripping the branches we'd prepared earlier and marvelling at their barkless beauty (styx appeal). We sat on a bench, good as gold, stripping and discussing all lifes' important things and all got to take our stripped sticks home to bleach. As we no longer have a bonfire, they're being kept for the wood fire in the front room this winter.
Also, yesterdays' trip to the Strip Joint was successful: it's £25 a strip, which is not bad, I paid more than that in Marrakech. Thus 3 bedroom doors were unscrewed and we'll visit the stripper tomorrow.

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