I for one will be glad to lose the constant plaster dust, sawdust and wallpaper shavings, and look forward to re-expanding into my own bedroom. Of course, the removal of all the builder's tools and bags of rubbish will mean more space for painting.
Well, that was the theory. What actually happened was I had a splendid day at school marred only by Standard Error #36. This error involves me arriving at school, resplendent in clean, newly pressed uniform only to discover it's a non-uniform day and I'm the only plonker in a class of successful style gurus. Fortunately I changed into my PE kit which meant I was not hot like everybody else.
The kitchen was mostly tiled but gaps remained. Our tiles are Baldocer Ceramicas (fabricado en Espana, variety 'Clays Cotto'. Upon seeing them I declared them boring but they'll probably be mildly acceptable once the whole room is done). The chief builder (Master Mason) said "Goodness me, old chap, for I have been hard at work all day operating the tile cutter and to be honest I have had it with tiles and I'm going home for beer". He then performed a special hand movement known only to advanced builders, passed down from the Masons of Pharaonic Egypt, and said Fruttocks to this, I'll see you Monday. The office was knee deep in sawdust where Chippy had been making shelves and a rather cute cupboard thing to hide the ugly wiring round the fusebox and the air was full of dust, as usual.
At the fair, I ignored direct orders to buy Bottle-tombola tickets and bought more raffle tickets instead. I'd better win those Paultons Park tickets (first prize).
Erin got her fingers painted which made her happy, that's girlies for you.
Later, scrubbing of skirting boards and doorframes.
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