Thursday 9 May 2013

Trampled by Bewilderbeeste

epic fail parking crashed car verticallyAnd a special welcome to two new followers - I'll be able to raise that army soon and take over the world in a bloodless coup (vampires not included).
When I got in from school there were 3 windowmen, a builder, a plumber, an electrician, a lot of plaster dust and a bewildered Bud. I basically just had to hide out of the way but wherever I went, there seemed to be a forest of boiler suits to clamber through and in the end I sought sanctuary on the sofa with lots of food. The builders laughed at the antics of the previous house owner and his half-finished projects.
resin rocks for climbingThis is why I didn't join in the picnic at Thursday park, I told him off for not bringing food and not going back home to get me a sword and so forth. But before long we were firing wood chips at each other and next time we should bring swords and a broom and sweep up vast piles of chips to kick at each other.
Back at home everything is covered in dust and I got extra chocolate cake.

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