Suddenly out of nowhere Ben arrived, fresh from Beaver church. It was one of those parade-with-the-flag things that I did last year, he got blessed and everything. I gave him the official tour of Mungle Manor after we'd heard the do not jump up and down speech yet again. Then mostly we played Lego Heroes on my splendiferous carpet while the rest of them talked about floorboards and parties. Having a friend round made it much better for me, Erin did pop her head in on Friday but it was too hectic and we didn't get a chance.
We stashed away as much as we could and it ended up as 82 items including boxes and bags and bits of furniture, all arranged around the outside. You could still play tennis up there.
Later Bud swept out the inspection pit in the garage, Jof did me new curtains for my room and he took me to the park and we took our shirts off and wowed the local girlies. Then Jof got off the phone to Nanna and SHE took me to the park, but with ice creams this time. Jof hoovered up dog hair for the 27th time and he went through all the old keys and I got to keep a toucan and the Eiffel tower and some clock winders and a St John's Ambulance badge and several drill bits.
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