The opticians said he hadn't had an eye test in 4 years so we bought Pyrox and Furno XL in giant Tesco to give me something to do while he had the 3 eye tests. The rather corpulent glasses salesman said come back in an hour so we picked Jof up (and 3 bags of laundry) and I went home to construct my heroes.
So then he got on his pushbike (Hardly Davidson) and went to get the new glasses. There was a diversion to the furniture shop where he got a glass-topped table. Why, you say. Well, this one has a little recess where the glass sits, and a space underneath where a tray or flat bit of wood can be fitted. Thus, some of the smaller examples of our extensive shell and fossil collection can be displayed under glass, and you get a decent coffee table as well! Bensmum has had the same idea for her beach display
and she will be able to learn from our mistakes and do better. I gather many things can be displayed under glass-topped tables including young oriental ladies so it's been done before.
Once we were all glassed up, Pops visited while her Dad went to buy some glass. I gave her the tour, with special emphasis on the garage inspection pit, the under-floor spaces, the joists in the loft, the special drill bit etc, for I know what the girlies like. Then we sat and constructed the cardboard skeleton kit she gave me for my birthday. It's the same format as all of the PuddleVisitors, large tour and then my bedroom for play. This drill bit is another of the items the previous but one house-owner left for us. It is 1 metre long and can drill through walls. Here it is with my new Heroes.
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