Then we walked to Crazy Caves and got cheap entry as it was only open for 40 more mins.
Your real online soap opera with real people in real places doing real things - except one's an alien, facing the challenges of growing up on an unfamiliar planet
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Respite care
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Cry havoc and let slip the Bobs of war |
The Wednesday park was a washout so Erin and the Jonibobs came round to ours instead. Much chocolate was eaten.
In other news, I am 4 3/4 today which means it's measuring day: in the last quarter I grew by 2.1 centimetres which has been duly added to my spreadsheet. This is a vast improvement on last quarter when I managed a stunning 2mm.Does Erin look like Dana Scully to you? Mmm. Mungle and Scully, it doesn't bear thinking about.........
Harvested the last of the beans before the storms.
Beans. Large but dull |
On the way back from after-school club, we met Mrs Laughing-boy-Thomas who lives just around the corner from there. I declared that I had forgotten everyone from my nursery days. I guess I was born under a wand'ring star/I shook off that Georgia dust and I was gone/I'm leavin' on the midnight train/wherever I lay my hat/I'm movin' on/Ahm sittin' at the bus stop, waitin' for a traaaaiiin..............
Monday, 27 September 2010
Random Monday park
Woke Jof up at 0645. Apparently Erin did even better, waking her Gran up at 0630 by torchlight.
After another wizzo schoolday, went to the park with Poppy and collected conkers, ran away from dogs and met former workmate and regular Puddler Elizabeth.
Pops wore some cracking new boots and having seen Madame Ben in his wonderful get-up I think I might be getting a bit Hi (heel)-curious.
This snap shows my magic wand; with it I transformed Bud into a) a pair of glasses and b) a girl.
A theme develops.
After another wizzo schoolday, went to the park with Poppy and collected conkers, ran away from dogs and met former workmate and regular Puddler Elizabeth.
This snap shows my magic wand; with it I transformed Bud into a) a pair of glasses and b) a girl.
A theme develops.
Another dark forest!
Actually this one wasn't so dark. Queen Elizabeth Country Park is lovely and we shall be going back many times, with the bike, with a BBQ, or just to climb Mount Butser. Did lots of walking, ate free blackberries, met some horses and Jof fell on her bottom again going down a slope.
The food at the visitors centre is extortionate but good, and the shop does a great line in cheap plastic chinese dinosaurs - excellent bath toy at 85p - £2.50.
Needed a long bath after the excursion so did dinosaur role play.
O sole Mungo |
Needed a long bath after the excursion so did dinosaur role play.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
A train ride
Saturday 25 September
Once Pops had got back from her swimming lesson we took a bus to Fratton station, from there a green train to Havant to investigate the new park by the bus station.
We only just caught the green train because we were going up and down in the disabled platform lift the other side of the tracks when it arrived.
Spent the whole journey going from one end of the train to the other.
There were also conkers to be found and dens to be created in the bushes by the cricket pitch but they turned out to be full of dog poo.Eventually we decided it was time to go home so we stopped off and had ice creams in Park Parade, nothing but the best for my Pops.
Once Pops had got back from her swimming lesson we took a bus to Fratton station, from there a green train to Havant to investigate the new park by the bus station.
We only just caught the green train because we were going up and down in the disabled platform lift the other side of the tracks when it arrived.
Spent the whole journey going from one end of the train to the other.
There were also conkers to be found and dens to be created in the bushes by the cricket pitch but they turned out to be full of dog poo.Eventually we decided it was time to go home so we stopped off and had ice creams in Park Parade, nothing but the best for my Pops.
I'll show you a good time, Baby |
Caught a blue train back to Fratton, spent half the journey going from one end of the train to the other until we discovered the button-operated toilet: spent the other half of the journey opening and closing the toilet door, it became our rocket/space capsule.
Bud read the paper.
The fun didn't stop at Fratton where we spent another 10 minutes going up and down in the lifts.
After a break for lunch we met up for some pavement play.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Defend the queen!
Friday. Needed my regular fix of Pop so sent my chauffeur to collect.
So the ugly one (me) and the good-looking one (her) resolved to strengthen our defences against his cruel onslaught.
We used EVERY item in the room to stop him, but the ever-resourceful invader was thinking outside the box. Outside the house, in fact, as he used his ladder to reach the window. We now had no means of escape, which proved problematic when Pops needed the toilet.
Luckily he was able to post supplies to us through a gap so we didn't starve.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wednesday is Park day
So, ate lunch after school in a frantic porg session that I could have avoided if I ate during my lunch hour.
Spanked Bud in the willy twice and howled for 10 minutes after he reacted with shouting. Then, after another incident that escapes me, howled myself into another frenzy and vomited on my trousers. One quick cleanup trip home later, I was back with a vengeance to climb, swing and eat. This resultant sugar rush gave us all the energy to beat Bud up, outnumbered 5 to 1. A good time was had by all.
You're not supposed to enjoy corporal punishment |
Staking my place as trend-setter and born leader, I decided I needed a poo - and immediately so did Erin and Ben. So off we went to the toilets with Bud who had to deal with a parallel double-dumper in the boys and Erin in the girls right round the corner. The poor council bogman was trying to close up for the day - we finally left at 10 past 5.
A little bit more work outside the swingpark and then the parents called it - most unfairly in all our minds so we gave them the runaround in a team effort that will always win against those older and slower than ourselves.Yes. Let's do it all again next week, for we are gluttons for punishment.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Restricted data
When Bud picks me up from school, he asks me what I did that day.
He always gets one or more of the following answers
Today I discovered the rock-on field lines generated by a stack of the Neodymium alloy hard disc drive magnets that Bud brings home from work. The TV may never be the same again.
Official Park Day again today, can't wait. Will take the bag of pink mushrooms purchased at the cinema a couple of weeks ago.
Apparently 22nd September is National Hobbit day (birthdays of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins) so there's something for the grandparents. It may seem a little desperate having a national day for a fictional character but look at how many days jesus has got.
He always gets one or more of the following answers
- I can't remember
- Nothing, but it was all good
- Erm, I'm thinking.........................
Today I discovered the rock-on field lines generated by a stack of the Neodymium alloy hard disc drive magnets that Bud brings home from work. The TV may never be the same again.
Official Park Day again today, can't wait. Will take the bag of pink mushrooms purchased at the cinema a couple of weeks ago.
Apparently 22nd September is National Hobbit day (birthdays of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins) so there's something for the grandparents. It may seem a little desperate having a national day for a fictional character but look at how many days jesus has got.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
I do like Mondays
But not when I take a tumble in the playground and scrape all the skin off my chin, earning myself the first accident form of my school career.
Extra plaudits from the staff for my stoic stiff upper lip and damaged lower lip, but still, it doesn't help, I'm ugly enough as it is.
This did not stop me from harvesting runner beans and then promptly eating them for supper. I also had a run round the park (Friend count = zero, so poked head over nursery fence to abuse those I left behind) and brought yet another stick home for the burnbox.
To those with keen eyesight, this picture shows trace evidence of a large slice of chocolate cake I helped Jof to eat, as well as a mortal wound sustained in deadly combat with a concrete adversary.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Film stars at play |
Climbed, exercised, watched the cycle display and went out on canoe lake on a blue swan. My little legs could not reach the pedals so Bud did all the pedalling: I steered us round in little circles and Poppy watched out for warships (there were 2 as part of the contingent of radio-controlled vessels). Met my school teacher.
Once Ben had moved on, the JoniBobs turned up so we did the assault course again and dug merrily in the sandpit. Eventually, the cold wind chased us to the Tenth Hole where I ordered macaroni cheese and ate none of it. Hiding under the table and sticking straws up through the parasol hole in the middle was much more interesting.
Asleep before 8.Saturday, 18 September 2010
Saturday of investigation
So I told Bud that I wanted to do some investigation on my bike today. Little did I know....
From there it was but a short ride to the Pyramids (still closed for refurbishment, large digger in the front garden) and the sunken rose garden (no bikes allowed) and on to the pier. Several pocketfuls of stones later, we threw stones off the pier to the consternation of the numerous fishermen and headed to Canoe lake swing park for some climbing and an unexpected meeting with Jason B of Bud's work and his daughters (Millie and Poppy - does anybody have original names??).
We went via Vic Rd South and Palmerston to the D-Day museum. From there we spotted that the old bowling greens had been revamped to include - a water park (closed for the duration), a derelict bowling green (that's where we found the football) and a beach volleyball court (that's where we found £2.67).
We tried out everything in the water park (not including water), played in the beach volleyball courts (to the delight of the 4 people getting drunk at 1115am) and then climbed on the ack-ack gun and the 2 tanks outside the D-Day museum and found the large fish of many colours in the fish pond.
Jof out at Mrs Erin's house tonight for Woo-Woo and Champers (Jof is Fifty-hundred today) so Bud and I did the long slow bath-fizzer bath and supper of noodles and prawns.
Bed at five past 10 after an immensely complex day with much hard work which will hopefully mean I don't disturb the somewhat confused Jof until late late late tomorrow morning.
Bud distraught that he won't meet all the drunken Puddler Girlies tonight but s**t happens which is exactly what happened in M+S toilets during our afternoon tea.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Incident-free day
After-school club was great again. Upon my return spied an invitation card from Principal Squeeze Poppy, heavily encrusted with kisses and so forth. Sent minion "Bud" round with an acceptance chit in a cleft stick, I shall therefore be dining tomorrow with the delightful Pops.
Perhaps Wednesdays could indeed be park days, I may buy some American football-style body armour to protect against slide bundles.
Perhaps Wednesdays could indeed be park days, I may buy some American football-style body armour to protect against slide bundles.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
A surprise planned trip to the park resulted in a mass howl-round yesterday when 4 people went down the curly yellow slide at the same time.
Bud and I went down the park where amazingly, we met Ben. While we were talking to Zak, another ex-nursery colleague who is now at my school but a year above, another coincidence happened as the Jonibobs turned up as well!
The 5 musketeers played with the planes and battleship while eating all the various goodies that the parents had thought to bring.
It turns out that Bud knew Zak's mum and her sister 22 years ago when he was a student. Mmm.
There was a good hour and a half of park work done before the slide overcrowding incident, I was at the bottom and, as smallest, was most damaged.
Today I shall be back at after-school club which I agree is great.
Bud and I went down the park where amazingly, we met Ben. While we were talking to Zak, another ex-nursery colleague who is now at my school but a year above, another coincidence happened as the Jonibobs turned up as well!
The 5 musketeers played with the planes and battleship while eating all the various goodies that the parents had thought to bring.
There was a good hour and a half of park work done before the slide overcrowding incident, I was at the bottom and, as smallest, was most damaged.
Today I shall be back at after-school club which I agree is great.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Language college sub 9
Aprendizaje de Inglés como segunda lengua
Hoy en día los temas en la escuela fueron:
1. Lecciones en el vocabulario, la gramática y la ortografía para los principiantes. Mis compañeros y yo hablamos de algunas palabras nuevas con nuestro maestro usando tarjetas didácticas: luego los utilizan en las oraciones en un grupo tutorial.
2. Duración. El tutor nos permite elegir el juego de roles, vestirse o edificio de ladrillo. Yo prefiero los recursos en el área de juego y las formas nuevas investigaciones para construir torres.
3. El recreo. El curso interactivo rayuela va bien y, después de exámenes exhaustivos, el profesor dice que soy ahora con fluidez.
4. Juegos, canciones, historias, la conversación amable y el diálogo uno a uno. La clase está siguiendo el plan de estudios nacional, todo el camino a la Universidad.
5. Escrito. Mi caligrafía deja un poco que desear, pero gracias a la matrícula de expertos que ahora puedo escribir palabras simples y frases clave.
Pronto espero poder hablar Inglés como un nativo y no decir cosas como "he hecho esto", "Uno, dos, libre", y "Yo quiero que los chocolates".
Usar mi blog para aprender Inglés. ACTUALIZADO DIARIAMENTE. Dile a tu maestro / escuela de idiomas.
Lära sig engelska som andraspråk
Dagens ämnen i skolan var:
1. Lektioner i ordförråd, grammatik och stavning för nybörjare. Mina studiekamrater och jag diskuterade en del nya ord med våra lärare använder bildkort: då vi använde dem i meningar i en grupp handledning.
2. Speltid. Handledaren gjorde att vi kunde välja rollspel, klä upp eller tegel-byggnad. Jag föredrar de resurser på lekplatsen och forskning nya sätt att bygga torn.
3. Breaktime. Den interaktiva hoppa hage Kursen går bra, och efter omfattande undersökningar, säger föreläsaren jag nu flytande.
4. Lekar, sånger, berättelser, artig konversation och en-till-en dialog. Klassen följer den nationella kursplanen, hela vägen till universitetet.
5. Skriva. Min kalligrafi lämnar lite att önska men tack vare expert undervisning jag nu kan skriva enkla ord och nyckelfraser.
Snart hoppas jag att tala engelska som en infödd och inte säga saker som "jag gjort detta", "Ett, två, fri", och "jag vill ha dem choklad".
Använd min blogg att lära sig engelska. Uppdateras dagligen. Berätta för din lärare / språk högskola.
1 บทเรียนคำศัพท์ไวยากรณ์และการสะกดคำสำหรับผู้เริ่มต้น เพื่อนนักเรียนของผมและผมกล่าวถึงคำใหม่ ๆ กับครูของเราโดยใช้ flashcards : จากนั้นเราใช้พวกเขาในประโยคในกลุ่มการกวดวิชา
2 เวลาเล่น ครูสอนพิเศษให้เราสามารถเลือกบทบาท, การแต่งเนื้อแต่งตัวหรืออิฐสร้าง ฉันต้องการทรัพยากรในพื้นที่เล่นและวิธีการใหม่ในการสร้างอาคารวิจัย
3 Breaktime หลักสูตร hopscotch โต้ตอบเป็นไปอย่างดีและต่อไปนี้ครอบคลุมการสอบอาจารย์บอกว่าตอนนี้ฉันได้อย่างคล่องแคล่ว
4 เกมส์, เพลง, เรื่อง, การสนทนาที่สุภาพและแบบหนึ่งต่อหนึ่งบทสนทนา ชั้นต่อไปนี้เป็นหลักสูตรระดับชาติที่ทุกทางมหาวิทยาลัยฯ
5 การเขียน การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรของฉันใบเล็ก ๆ ที่จะต้องการ แต่ต้องขอบคุณค่าเล่าเรียนผู้เชี่ยวชาญฉันสามารถเขียนคำง่ายและวลีที่สำคัญ
เร็ว ๆ นี้ผมหวังว่าจะพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้เหมือนเจ้าของภาษาและไม่พูดในสิ่งเช่น"ฉันทำอย่างนี้","หนึ่ง, สอง, ฟรี"และ"ฉันต้องการให้ช็อคโกแลต"
การใช้บล็อกของฉันได้เรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ DAILY UPDATED บอกครูของคุณวิทยาลัยภาษา /
Ikinci bir dil olarak İngilizce öğrenme
Okulda Bugünün konular şunlardı:
1. Kelime bilgisi, dilbilgisi ve imla başlayanlar için de dersler. Benim sevgili öğrenciler ve ben öğretmen Flashcards kullanarak bazı yeni kelimeler tartışıldı: o zaman bir grup öğretici cümle kullanmıştır.
2. Çalma süresi. öğretmen tuğla bina veya soyunma, rol seçmek için bize izin verdi. Ben oyun alanı ve kuleler inşa etmek için araştırma yeni yollarla kaynakları tercih ederler.
3. Breaktime. Etkileşimli seksek ders, iyi gidiyor kapsamlı incelemeler sonrasında, öğretim görevlisi şimdi akıcı duyuyorum diyor.
4. Oyunlar, şarkılar, hikayeler, kibar konuşma ve bire bir diyalog. sınıf ulusal müfredat, Üniversite tüm yol takip ediyor.
5. Yazılı. Benim hat bir arzu edilen ancak uzman öğretim sayesinde şimdi basit kelimeler ve anahtar sözcük yazabilirsiniz küçük bırakır.
Yakında ben ve bir yerli gibi İngilizce konuşmak için umut değil, şey gibi, "Bir, iki, ücretsiz" Ben bu yapılan "deyin ve"Onlara çikolata istiyorum "dedi.
İngilizce öğrenmek için bloguma kullanın. GÜNLÜK UPDATED. Öğretmeniniz / dil kolej söyle.
Submit your site in a <a href=" directory</a> for free! This business is listed under <a href=" Directory </a>
Aprendizaje de Inglés como segunda lengua
Hoy en día los temas en la escuela fueron:
1. Lecciones en el vocabulario, la gramática y la ortografía para los principiantes. Mis compañeros y yo hablamos de algunas palabras nuevas con nuestro maestro usando tarjetas didácticas: luego los utilizan en las oraciones en un grupo tutorial.
2. Duración. El tutor nos permite elegir el juego de roles, vestirse o edificio de ladrillo. Yo prefiero los recursos en el área de juego y las formas nuevas investigaciones para construir torres.
3. El recreo. El curso interactivo rayuela va bien y, después de exámenes exhaustivos, el profesor dice que soy ahora con fluidez.
4. Juegos, canciones, historias, la conversación amable y el diálogo uno a uno. La clase está siguiendo el plan de estudios nacional, todo el camino a la Universidad.
5. Escrito. Mi caligrafía deja un poco que desear, pero gracias a la matrícula de expertos que ahora puedo escribir palabras simples y frases clave.
Pronto espero poder hablar Inglés como un nativo y no decir cosas como "he hecho esto", "Uno, dos, libre", y "Yo quiero que los chocolates".
Usar mi blog para aprender Inglés. ACTUALIZADO DIARIAMENTE. Dile a tu maestro / escuela de idiomas.
Lära sig engelska som andraspråk
Dagens ämnen i skolan var:
1. Lektioner i ordförråd, grammatik och stavning för nybörjare. Mina studiekamrater och jag diskuterade en del nya ord med våra lärare använder bildkort: då vi använde dem i meningar i en grupp handledning.
2. Speltid. Handledaren gjorde att vi kunde välja rollspel, klä upp eller tegel-byggnad. Jag föredrar de resurser på lekplatsen och forskning nya sätt att bygga torn.
3. Breaktime. Den interaktiva hoppa hage Kursen går bra, och efter omfattande undersökningar, säger föreläsaren jag nu flytande.
4. Lekar, sånger, berättelser, artig konversation och en-till-en dialog. Klassen följer den nationella kursplanen, hela vägen till universitetet.
5. Skriva. Min kalligrafi lämnar lite att önska men tack vare expert undervisning jag nu kan skriva enkla ord och nyckelfraser.
Snart hoppas jag att tala engelska som en infödd och inte säga saker som "jag gjort detta", "Ett, två, fri", och "jag vill ha dem choklad".
Använd min blogg att lära sig engelska. Uppdateras dagligen. Berätta för din lärare / språk högskola.
1 บทเรียนคำศัพท์ไวยากรณ์และการสะกดคำสำหรับผู้เริ่มต้น เพื่อนนักเรียนของผมและผมกล่าวถึงคำใหม่ ๆ กับครูของเราโดยใช้ flashcards : จากนั้นเราใช้พวกเขาในประโยคในกลุ่มการกวดวิชา
2 เวลาเล่น ครูสอนพิเศษให้เราสามารถเลือกบทบาท, การแต่งเนื้อแต่งตัวหรืออิฐสร้าง ฉันต้องการทรัพยากรในพื้นที่เล่นและวิธีการใหม่ในการสร้างอาคารวิจัย
3 Breaktime หลักสูตร hopscotch โต้ตอบเป็นไปอย่างดีและต่อไปนี้ครอบคลุมการสอบอาจารย์บอกว่าตอนนี้ฉันได้อย่างคล่องแคล่ว
4 เกมส์, เพลง, เรื่อง, การสนทนาที่สุภาพและแบบหนึ่งต่อหนึ่งบทสนทนา ชั้นต่อไปนี้เป็นหลักสูตรระดับชาติที่ทุกทางมหาวิทยาลัยฯ
5 การเขียน การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรของฉันใบเล็ก ๆ ที่จะต้องการ แต่ต้องขอบคุณค่าเล่าเรียนผู้เชี่ยวชาญฉันสามารถเขียนคำง่ายและวลีที่สำคัญ
เร็ว ๆ นี้ผมหวังว่าจะพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้เหมือนเจ้าของภาษาและไม่พูดในสิ่งเช่น"ฉันทำอย่างนี้","หนึ่ง, สอง, ฟรี"และ"ฉันต้องการให้ช็อคโกแลต"
การใช้บล็อกของฉันได้เรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ DAILY UPDATED บอกครูของคุณวิทยาลัยภาษา /
Ikinci bir dil olarak İngilizce öğrenme
Okulda Bugünün konular şunlardı:
1. Kelime bilgisi, dilbilgisi ve imla başlayanlar için de dersler. Benim sevgili öğrenciler ve ben öğretmen Flashcards kullanarak bazı yeni kelimeler tartışıldı: o zaman bir grup öğretici cümle kullanmıştır.
2. Çalma süresi. öğretmen tuğla bina veya soyunma, rol seçmek için bize izin verdi. Ben oyun alanı ve kuleler inşa etmek için araştırma yeni yollarla kaynakları tercih ederler.
3. Breaktime. Etkileşimli seksek ders, iyi gidiyor kapsamlı incelemeler sonrasında, öğretim görevlisi şimdi akıcı duyuyorum diyor.
4. Oyunlar, şarkılar, hikayeler, kibar konuşma ve bire bir diyalog. sınıf ulusal müfredat, Üniversite tüm yol takip ediyor.
5. Yazılı. Benim hat bir arzu edilen ancak uzman öğretim sayesinde şimdi basit kelimeler ve anahtar sözcük yazabilirsiniz küçük bırakır.
Yakında ben ve bir yerli gibi İngilizce konuşmak için umut değil, şey gibi, "Bir, iki, ücretsiz" Ben bu yapılan "deyin ve"Onlara çikolata istiyorum "dedi.
İngilizce öğrenmek için bloguma kullanın. GÜNLÜK UPDATED. Öğretmeniniz / dil kolej söyle.
Submit your site in a <a href=" directory</a> for free! This business is listed under <a href=" Directory </a>
After-school club
Tuesday was my first after-school club, in the junior school next door which is the same but bigger.
Bud came to pick me up when I was only halfway through my hot baked beans on toast (which I don't like, honest, ever since I yummed up my first plate of them at Pop's house) so I sent him away to come back later. Anyway, I hadn't finished playing paper aeroplanes with Poppy C. How was I to know that Poppy H was waiting for me at home.
Poppy H came round to destroy my bedroom, I helped. Despite this and a second supper (fish pie) I still got to bed for 8pm.
Bud came to pick me up when I was only halfway through my hot baked beans on toast (which I don't like, honest, ever since I yummed up my first plate of them at Pop's house) so I sent him away to come back later. Anyway, I hadn't finished playing paper aeroplanes with Poppy C. How was I to know that Poppy H was waiting for me at home.
Poppy H came round to destroy my bedroom, I helped. Despite this and a second supper (fish pie) I still got to bed for 8pm.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
One by one....
Surely now all my ex-colleagues have moved on to their respective schools.
Following a rainy Monday at school Pops visited in her new uniform to help beat Bud up.
I have developed an aversion to wearing clothes after school, she was just lucky I was wearing a shirt.
Following a rainy Monday at school Pops visited in her new uniform to help beat Bud up.
I have developed an aversion to wearing clothes after school, she was just lucky I was wearing a shirt.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Spent 4 hours round at the JoniBobs, played on the hovercraft and slide, and watched Monsters Inc. No longer frightened of this film.
The hovercraft now has a glazed porthole, wheeled access steps and a roof on the cockpit.
Then after supper, Pops came round to play the role of My Dog: she sat in the plastic house and barked.
Played the block game on the computer again and finally said goodnight at 2110.
Erin came over to play. Got very upset like a big girl's blouse when she called me Mungles, (reserved moniker for parents only, apparently) threw crayons, hid under the stairs and subsequently under my own bed and told everyone to go away.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Erin turns 5
The present was actually bath fizzers.
In other news: car numberplate P165 FLY is currently available from a dealer, conservatively priced at £25,990.
If Bud wins the lottery he'll buy it, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Spent a good 20 minutes being a range of dinosaurs (all of which shared the same terrifying noise) and beat my mum to death.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Stood up???
Finished my second day at school. Spent time with other classes and even met a Zak that left nursery last year.
A quick change later, went round to Pops to pick her up - and No! I couldn't believe it! One of my girlfriends not at my beck and call? Lousy pre-booked trampolining session with her sister.
Went down the park anyway and met absolutely nobody I knew, although there were quite a lot of other users in the same school uniform I wear so give it a chance, I might get to know some of them.
Bed early - was almost asleep by 9pm.
Have decided that school is even better than nursery. Trip to the sea life centre later this year.
A quick change later, went round to Pops to pick her up - and No! I couldn't believe it! One of my girlfriends not at my beck and call? Lousy pre-booked trampolining session with her sister.
Went down the park anyway and met absolutely nobody I knew, although there were quite a lot of other users in the same school uniform I wear so give it a chance, I might get to know some of them.
Bed early - was almost asleep by 9pm.
Have decided that school is even better than nursery. Trip to the sea life centre later this year.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Lots of fun all day until the early finish and met up again with Erin, who held Bud's hand all the way home, snubbing her own mum.
Even though I was tired, still managed to bounce around until 9pm. Parents tell me it won't happen again.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Final day off before getting my first true occupation (student), Ben visited after his first day, part-time hours only but still earlier than me!
Looking forward to it.
Laughed at Bud with his damaged head, don't argue with a flowerbed after too much beer!
Looking forward to it.
Laughed at Bud with his damaged head, don't argue with a flowerbed after too much beer!
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sunday, boxing day
5th of September. It shouldn't have been , but there's only so much you can do.
Had a low-key bonfire but all the wood was still damp so it was too smoky. Left Bud to deal with it and played hiding in the giant box for a couple of hours.
I am now in between jobs, officially left nursery and a day off before starting school full-time on Tuesday.
Had a low-key bonfire but all the wood was still damp so it was too smoky. Left Bud to deal with it and played hiding in the giant box for a couple of hours.
I am now in between jobs, officially left nursery and a day off before starting school full-time on Tuesday.
Saturday 4th September - the pub!
The walk back from the pub was noisy, probably best I didn't take the bike.
After I went to bed, Bud had some wine and fell into a flowerbed. Ha ha.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Day off??
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Language college sub 8
Å lære engelsk som andrespråk
Dagens tema på skolen var:
En. Lessons i ordforråd, grammatikk og stavemåte for nybegynnere. Mine medstudenter og jeg diskuterte noen nye ord med læreren vår hjelp flashcards: da vi brukte dem i setninger i en gruppe tutorial.
2. Spilletid. Veilederen tillot oss å velge rollespill, dressing opp eller tegl-bygningen. Jeg foretrekker ressursene i lekeområdet og forskning nye måter å bygge tårn.
Tre. Breaktime. Den interaktive hopscotch Kurset går bra og, etter omfattende undersøkelser, sier foreleser jeg er nå flytende.
4. Spill, sanger, historier, høflig samtale og en-til-en dialog. Klassen følger det nasjonale pensumet, helt til universitetet.
5. Skrive. Min kalligrafi etterlater litt til å være ønsket, men takket være den sakkyndige undervisningen jeg kan nå skrive enkle ord og viktige setninger.
Snart håper jeg å snakke engelsk som en innfødt, og ikke si ting som "jeg gjort dette", "En, to, gratis", og "jeg vil ha dem sjokolade".
Bruk bloggen min til å lære engelsk. OPPDATERT DAGLIG. Fortell læreren din / språket college.
Nauka języka angielskiego jako drugiego języka
Dzisiejsze tematy w szkole były:
1. Lekcje w słownictwa, gramatyki i ortografii dla początkujących. Moich kolegów i rozważyć niektóre nowe wyrazy z pomocą naszego nauczyciela flashcards: wtedy korzystali z nich w zdaniach w grupie tutorial.
2. Czas. Nauczyciel pozwolił nam wybrać odgrywanie ról, przebieranie się lub cegły budynku. Wolę środków na placu zabaw i badania nowych sposobów budować wieże.
3. Breaktime. interaktywny kurs klasy "będzie dobrze, a po kompleksowych badań, wykładowca mówi, że jestem teraz płynnie.
4. Gry, piosenki, opowiadania, uprzejmy rozmowy i jeden do jednego dialogu. Klasa jest po krajowy program, aż do Uniwersytetu.
5. Pisanie. Moja kaligrafia pozostawia trochę do życzenia, ale dzięki naukę ekspertów mogę teraz napisać prostych słów i fraz kluczowych.
Wkrótce mam nadzieję, że mówi po angielsku jak native, a nie mówi "ja zrobiłem to","Raz, dwa, wolne ", "Chcę, czekoladki".
Użyj mojego bloga do nauki języka angielskiego. Aktualizowane codziennie. Powiedz nauczyciela / kolegium języka.
Aprender Inglês como segunda língua
Tópicos de hoje na escola foram:
1. Lições de gramática, vocabulário e ortografia para iniciantes. Meus colegas e eu discutimos algumas novas palavras com o professor usando flashcards: então os usou em sentenças em um grupo tutorial.
2. Playtime. O tutor nos permitiu escolher role-play, vestir-se ou edifício de tijolos. Eu prefiro os recursos na área de jogo e as formas novas pesquisas para construir torres.
3. Breaktime. O curso interativo amarelinha está indo bem e, após exames abrangentes, o professor diz que eu sou agora fluente.
4. Jogos, músicas, histórias conversação, educado e um-para-um diálogo. A classe está a seguir o currículo nacional, até a Universidade.
5. Escrita. Minha caligrafia deixa um pouco a desejar, mas graças à aula perito agora posso escrever palavras simples e frases-chave.
Em breve espero falar Inglês como um nativo e não dizer coisas como "eu fiz isso", "Um, dois, livre ", e "Eu quero que eles chocolates".
Uso meu blog para aprender Inglês. Atualizado diariamente. Diga ao seu professor / faculdade da linguagem.
Invatarea limbii engleze ca oa doua limbă
Subiectele de astăzi la şcoală au fost:
1. Lecţii în vocabular, gramatică şi ortografie pentru incepatori. Elevii mei colegi si am discutat cateva cuvinte noi cu profesorul nostru folosind cartonaşe: apoi le-am folosit în propoziţii într-un grup tutorial.
2. Redare. tutore ne-a permis de a alege rol-play, dressing-up sau clădire din cărămidă. Prefer resursele în zona de joacă şi modalităţi noi de cercetare pentru a construi turnuri.
3. Breaktime. Cursul este interactiv şotron merge bine şi, în urma examinări cuprinzătoare, lector spune că eu sunt acum fluent.
4. Jocuri, cântece, poveşti, conversaţie politicos şi unu-la-un dialog. clasa este următoarea programa naţională, tot drumul la Universitatea.
5. Scris. Caligrafie meu lasă un pic de dorit, dar mulţumită de şcolarizare expert Pot să scriu acum cuvinte simple şi fraze cheie.
Sper ca în curând să vorbesc engleza ca un nativ şi nu spun lucruri de genul "am facut asta", "Unu, doi, gratuit", şi "Vreau să ciocolata".
Utilizaţi blog-ul meu să înveţe limba engleză. Actualizate zilnic. Spune profesorul tău / colegiu limba.
Изучение английского языка в качестве второго языка
Темы дня в школе были:
1. Уроки в лексике, грамматике и орфографии для начинающих. Мои сокурсники, и я обсудил некоторые новые слова с нашим учителем использованием карточек: тогда мы использовали их в предложениях в группе учебника.
2. Время звучания. Репетитор позволили нам выбрать ролевые игры, переодевание или кирпичные здания. Я предпочитаю ресурсов в области игры и исследования новых способов строить башни.
3. Breaktime. интерактивный курс классики идет хорошо, и, после всестороннего обследования, преподаватель говорит, что я теперь свободный.
4. Игры, песни, рассказы, вежливый разговор, и один-к-один диалог. Класс следующие национальные учебные программы, все пути в университет.
5. Дать. Мой каллиграфии листья немного лучшего, но благодаря экспертов учебе теперь я могу писать простые слова и ключевые фразы.
Вскоре я надеюсь говорить по-английски, как родной, а не говорить такие вещи, как "Я сделал это", "Раз, два, свободный", и "Я хочу, конфет".
Используйте мой блог, чтобы изучать английский язык. Обновляется ежедневно. Расскажите своим учителем / Language College.
Å lære engelsk som andrespråk
Dagens tema på skolen var:
En. Lessons i ordforråd, grammatikk og stavemåte for nybegynnere. Mine medstudenter og jeg diskuterte noen nye ord med læreren vår hjelp flashcards: da vi brukte dem i setninger i en gruppe tutorial.
2. Spilletid. Veilederen tillot oss å velge rollespill, dressing opp eller tegl-bygningen. Jeg foretrekker ressursene i lekeområdet og forskning nye måter å bygge tårn.
Tre. Breaktime. Den interaktive hopscotch Kurset går bra og, etter omfattende undersøkelser, sier foreleser jeg er nå flytende.
4. Spill, sanger, historier, høflig samtale og en-til-en dialog. Klassen følger det nasjonale pensumet, helt til universitetet.
5. Skrive. Min kalligrafi etterlater litt til å være ønsket, men takket være den sakkyndige undervisningen jeg kan nå skrive enkle ord og viktige setninger.
Snart håper jeg å snakke engelsk som en innfødt, og ikke si ting som "jeg gjort dette", "En, to, gratis", og "jeg vil ha dem sjokolade".
Bruk bloggen min til å lære engelsk. OPPDATERT DAGLIG. Fortell læreren din / språket college.
Nauka języka angielskiego jako drugiego języka
Dzisiejsze tematy w szkole były:
1. Lekcje w słownictwa, gramatyki i ortografii dla początkujących. Moich kolegów i rozważyć niektóre nowe wyrazy z pomocą naszego nauczyciela flashcards: wtedy korzystali z nich w zdaniach w grupie tutorial.
2. Czas. Nauczyciel pozwolił nam wybrać odgrywanie ról, przebieranie się lub cegły budynku. Wolę środków na placu zabaw i badania nowych sposobów budować wieże.
3. Breaktime. interaktywny kurs klasy "będzie dobrze, a po kompleksowych badań, wykładowca mówi, że jestem teraz płynnie.
4. Gry, piosenki, opowiadania, uprzejmy rozmowy i jeden do jednego dialogu. Klasa jest po krajowy program, aż do Uniwersytetu.
5. Pisanie. Moja kaligrafia pozostawia trochę do życzenia, ale dzięki naukę ekspertów mogę teraz napisać prostych słów i fraz kluczowych.
Wkrótce mam nadzieję, że mówi po angielsku jak native, a nie mówi "ja zrobiłem to","Raz, dwa, wolne ", "Chcę, czekoladki".
Użyj mojego bloga do nauki języka angielskiego. Aktualizowane codziennie. Powiedz nauczyciela / kolegium języka.
Aprender Inglês como segunda língua
Tópicos de hoje na escola foram:
1. Lições de gramática, vocabulário e ortografia para iniciantes. Meus colegas e eu discutimos algumas novas palavras com o professor usando flashcards: então os usou em sentenças em um grupo tutorial.
2. Playtime. O tutor nos permitiu escolher role-play, vestir-se ou edifício de tijolos. Eu prefiro os recursos na área de jogo e as formas novas pesquisas para construir torres.
3. Breaktime. O curso interativo amarelinha está indo bem e, após exames abrangentes, o professor diz que eu sou agora fluente.
4. Jogos, músicas, histórias conversação, educado e um-para-um diálogo. A classe está a seguir o currículo nacional, até a Universidade.
5. Escrita. Minha caligrafia deixa um pouco a desejar, mas graças à aula perito agora posso escrever palavras simples e frases-chave.
Em breve espero falar Inglês como um nativo e não dizer coisas como "eu fiz isso", "Um, dois, livre ", e "Eu quero que eles chocolates".
Uso meu blog para aprender Inglês. Atualizado diariamente. Diga ao seu professor / faculdade da linguagem.
Invatarea limbii engleze ca oa doua limbă
Subiectele de astăzi la şcoală au fost:
1. Lecţii în vocabular, gramatică şi ortografie pentru incepatori. Elevii mei colegi si am discutat cateva cuvinte noi cu profesorul nostru folosind cartonaşe: apoi le-am folosit în propoziţii într-un grup tutorial.
2. Redare. tutore ne-a permis de a alege rol-play, dressing-up sau clădire din cărămidă. Prefer resursele în zona de joacă şi modalităţi noi de cercetare pentru a construi turnuri.
3. Breaktime. Cursul este interactiv şotron merge bine şi, în urma examinări cuprinzătoare, lector spune că eu sunt acum fluent.
4. Jocuri, cântece, poveşti, conversaţie politicos şi unu-la-un dialog. clasa este următoarea programa naţională, tot drumul la Universitatea.
5. Scris. Caligrafie meu lasă un pic de dorit, dar mulţumită de şcolarizare expert Pot să scriu acum cuvinte simple şi fraze cheie.
Sper ca în curând să vorbesc engleza ca un nativ şi nu spun lucruri de genul "am facut asta", "Unu, doi, gratuit", şi "Vreau să ciocolata".
Utilizaţi blog-ul meu să înveţe limba engleză. Actualizate zilnic. Spune profesorul tău / colegiu limba.
Изучение английского языка в качестве второго языка
Темы дня в школе были:
1. Уроки в лексике, грамматике и орфографии для начинающих. Мои сокурсники, и я обсудил некоторые новые слова с нашим учителем использованием карточек: тогда мы использовали их в предложениях в группе учебника.
2. Время звучания. Репетитор позволили нам выбрать ролевые игры, переодевание или кирпичные здания. Я предпочитаю ресурсов в области игры и исследования новых способов строить башни.
3. Breaktime. интерактивный курс классики идет хорошо, и, после всестороннего обследования, преподаватель говорит, что я теперь свободный.
4. Игры, песни, рассказы, вежливый разговор, и один-к-один диалог. Класс следующие национальные учебные программы, все пути в университет.
5. Дать. Мой каллиграфии листья немного лучшего, но благодаря экспертов учебе теперь я могу писать простые слова и ключевые фразы.
Вскоре я надеюсь говорить по-английски, как родной, а не говорить такие вещи, как "Я сделал это", "Раз, два, свободный", и "Я хочу, конфет".
Используйте мой блог, чтобы изучать английский язык. Обновляется ежедневно. Расскажите своим учителем / Language College.
Bonfire collector
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Met Poppy, Ben, JoniBob and Lizzie down the park for even more scooting up and down the slope. I don't know how lucky I am.
3 working days left before school.
3 working days left before school.
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