Yesterday we took the ferry to Hayling, today we took a completely different ferry to Gosport, another peninsula of limited gene migration allegedly. The harbour was buzzing with a zillion vessels of all shapes and sizes and we rode gaily past the Do Not Cycle Here signs, but we always do. We know this area surprisingly well now and in no time, we popped out past Fort Gilkicker and saw the greensward of Stokes Bay.
Just the other side of the car park is the MiniGolf. I can honestly say that I have never played Minigolf before apart from yesterday and about 300 previous times in multiple locations, this time I got round in 54, and Bud got 55. It is the first time I have beaten him. In the past, I used to wipe the ball around like a hockey puck, bat it from above with a chopping motion, happily score 27 on a hole because I'd inch closer to the flag and whack it, like any other mad 5 year-old with the hooting and the jumping and the burbling. But at last, the student has outwitted the master.
This won me an ice cream and the chance to get back on the bike with my stiff bottie. Totals for the day - 10 miles in the saddle, lots of sun and sea-salt on my body.
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