Saturday, so I got up at ten to 7 to wake Jof up, jump up and down and demand breakfast. As she has had a bad cold for days and has had no sleep, she was singularly unimpressed and there was unhappiness. For quiet time purposes, Bud took me out while Jof searched for hotel rooms to get away from it all tonight: she failed unless she was prepared to go to Birmingham (the south is full).
We met Elizabeth Puddle by the library and we convoyed down to the Co-op and on to Tunnel park. We explored the woods where all the sticks were too wet to rub together to make fire. We walked round the train track and did some quality swingparkwork with Hannah Puddler and her sisters.
Suddenly, there was a Black Cloud Alert and hey presto, the heavens opened and we waited it out in the butchers (bacon and black pudding).
After lunch, Jof went back to bed and Bud procured me a Ben (Pops was busy) and we hit Playzone Cosham for some fun.
This is where I had my 4th birthday party and it's the one with the slides of death. It was VERY busy with at least 3 birthday parties going on and lots and lots of sweaty locals.
I did the blue slide and the black tube slide and the rainbow slide: both of us did attack chase with Bud and Ben did the Red Devil slide many times (too big for me) and even the giant red slide once, although he had to hold Buds' hand on the way down.
When the place shut on us we headed back in un-triumph to his place for lego mayhem and then we trashed his room. The last we heard was Mr Ben quarkling in disbelief that HE'd have to clean it up - revenge for me, for all those times he'd helped me trash my room and then I had to clear it up after he'd gone. To be fair, this applies to all visits of all my friends, as it does when I've visited them.
We woke Jof up and started cutting out little cardboard lightnings for my superhero outfit. The early night Jof had planned for me (have to be up well early @ approx 0530 on Monday) didn't quite work out due to far too much fun with my Lego Police boat + submarine attack in the bath).
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