O Boy. Was it funny or what. I made it to bed (no bath fizzer night, not even a shower) at 2230 because of how long it went on for.
Meanwhile the PuddleParents sat on deckchairs and clapped appropriately. Throughout proceedings every one of us (except the permanently happy Elizabeth) had a strop, sulk, moan or similar, but they didn't last long. This did mean that the teams were....variable in make-up, as not all participants were always there, or were there but were not participating.
ErinsMum was in charge of medals and we all got one eventually. BensMum was the strict Mistress of Ceremonies and the Dads held up the finishing rope, prepared props, and heckled generally. In the end the other team won but we were down by a whole Johnny for a lot of it. We all got prizes really and headed back over the road to the house where the adults who were not already holding a can of lager started on their Vitamin Beer.
For a while there, we went back over the road to play football but whenever more than 2 of us are gathered together, there is strife so that didn't last long.
We watched a DVD of the Olympic opening ceremony about 3 times because it was so good. Variously we danced, Lego Heroed, Quarkled, ran up and down and were on average more co-operative inside than we had been outside. The barbecuist served us many sausages and at about 930 we realised it was dark and reluctantly walked home. We are the furthest away and I had to get 2 shoulder-lifts, and even then I was weaving unsteadily. I hope we get to do it all again, but not have to wait 4 years.
I can already tell that your life is so much more fun than mine!
ReplyDeleteah that's a good pic! (She says of her own work) x