Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Happy Clappers, Rhythm Methodists and Hullabalutherans

didn't expect you home
Yesterday Mr JoniBobs tripped over and banged himself on a ship so Mrs JB took me in to YMCA. Bud dropped me off first thing in the morning and the sun was already hot.
sideways cat funny pictureI must say I've been highly intrigued by the recent news reports of the chap in America dressing up as the Joker and shooting lots of people. The way I hear it, the first one to do it was a postman and all subsequent suicide shooters have tried to get a bigger number of kills than him. Plus, one of our Lego Villains is the Joker, so PuddleParents should prepare for random massacres carried out by a brightly coloured plastic toy, he has loads of weapons as well.
YMCA childminding activities charter academy portsmouthToday Bud sold my old Power Rangers bike to someone at his work for £25, effectively exchanging a bike for a pony, hoho, which is enough to pay for todays' YMCA - a fair deal in anyones' book.
In other news, this weeks' Drongo Bingo numbers are 1 and 3.
plate of sweet watermelon slices on a hot dayIn YMCA we did many activities and were allowed 50p worth of tuck, but they'd run out of strawberry whips. We all made various craft out of paper: I made HMS, just HMS, no actual name, and Johnny made one of those little round fighters out of Star Wars. One boy was put in the sinbin for strangling me and we played with perennial ex-Puddler Kiera.
do it yourself ice creams
By pickup time we were back inside playing lego-tractor mashup and Bud collected us all. We voted not to do Wednesday park because the alternative sounded better - 3:0 for going back to mine for Lego Heroes and watermelon. We were all sweaty little boys and every good boy likes nice juicy melons so we were set. It all got better when Bobert suggested ice cream cones with special BensMum Cornish ice cream and the multi-mixup box of chocco sprinkles. We ate them on the way back to the JBs house where he actually forgot to take me home and had to be reminded to take his own #1 son back with him. Mr JB was asleep with a head full of painkillers.
We went home through the park (free go on the hanging basket) and met Pops who is going to Durham. We recommended the Cathedral tower, nice bit of medieval masonry. I've nearly crushed Jof beneath the advancing feet of my Monopoly army. Bud opened my window to allow fresh air in to help me sleep but I was worried about birds getting in.

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