A thunderstorm passed over us today at school and made some of us scream. I maintain that I did not hear it, but Erin did, so it must have been very localised. As soon as one happens after school, I'll be outside as I'm a lightning-chasing thunder junkie.
This painting on the left has hung in our hallway for the last 11 years. We all know the chap in question is pretend, like Santa Claus, but is still good for a pun.
After school the clouds were moody, wet and 50 shades of grey and the park was like a lake so I invited Erin round to mine for play and she jumped at it. We did some quiet legoing until Ben and the JBs arrived and the decibel level went up. We started work on a Lego city, but also retired to the front room to watch Phineas and Ferb and draw.
The chocolates were passed round (Bobert stole the whole bag but was caught so he did the only howl of the day) and the broken biscuits made an appearance to fuel our evil desires and yet another increase in noise level.
Somehow we managed to find Radio 1 on the TV and turned it up for a disco. Then we started jumping off the sofa: this is an age-old pastime. We take it in turns to stand on the edge, ululate a war cry and jump to our collective dooms on the lava-floor below. Then we queue up and do it all again. This time I'm a teensy-weensy bit absolutely sure that each of the ululations contained the full -ing of the F-word but luckily the door was shut and none of the parents twigged.
Gradually we stripped but Erin couldn't because she's only got a 1-piece. Some of us LegoHeroed upstairs which is where we found the giant orange balloons from the school fayre. These were great but one died in mysterious circumstances near the TV.
As time wore on we completed the Lego city with added vehicles, played cricket with Moshi monsters and a plastic rifle (as you do) and performed the theme song from Phineas and Ferb using only 1 Hawaiian ukelele, a gun and 2 loud boys.
By going-home time the sky was blue but you just can't trust it, JBsMum was hailed on today.
Later we discovered why the balloon died. The little lamp had been knocked over and the labour-saving lightbulb had smashed, leaving shards and mercurial deposits on the floor. This resulted in an unexpected hoovering. The TV remote also gave up but was resuscitated. Jof was not happy and has banned all small people (even Grandad) from the TV room. I continued happily singing to my lego city.
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