Sunday 22 July 2012

Summer at last

Continued my rediscovery of long-forgotten parks with a trip to a nearby but hidden gem: Tamworth Field. This is one block south of the school where Ben and the JBs play Thursday football, and right by Erins' grandparents. It's a medium-large with 4 separate climbing frames, 3 standalone items, swings, a decent roundabout, a 60 ft zipline, and a scattering of olives for some reason.
Also, the swingpark is in one corner of a large green area with blackberry bushes, plum trees, willows which make excellent dens and a small pond. It's choked with pondweed so there are no fish or ducks but we saw many snails, leeches, water boatmen, Daphnia and one newt.
burgers sausages and pastaAfter Sainsburys he cycled while Jof and I cleaned the car with the 3 free sponges we got with the bike. I also did Pops' car, wonder if they'll notice.
heavily armed kids with light sabresThen the order came through - Random Barbecue at the JBs. We took bubble mixture, beer by someone called Jeremiah Weed and a watermelon.
burning a broken cricket batWe were last there but never mind. We all had lots of food, hardly got naked at all, played in and out with everything we could find. The bubbles went down very well, the hovercraft was in constant use as was lego and the DVD player.
We were the last to leave and on the way home decided to have a bonfire, as you do. The bits of pallet burned very hot indeed and were fun to make castle walls out of. I consigned Bens' broken cricket bat to eternal damnation and went to bed with a 10 in it. I think we only saw 2 small clouds all day.

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