Bud advised me to have a few random circuits round swingpark to get the feel of the new machine and this was sensible. And OMFG. I am now Captain Fast, a fleeting vision in yellow, a high-energy neutron in the bubble chamber of life. He couldn't keep up for long. The big thick tyres absorb all road bumps leaving my bottom comfortable upon the saddle. The brakes work. I'm higher up. Everything's great. The world is my chocolate cupboard.
Your real online soap opera with real people in real places doing real things - except one's an alien, facing the challenges of growing up on an unfamiliar planet
Friday, 20 July 2012
Full circles around me
Another year over, 3 Cheers for the Hols, hip hip, Hooray! The tintinnabula of time have tinkled their way to their chronological conclusion.
Year 1 has finished and 6 glorious weeks of tropical temperatures and burning solar radiation are upon us, we hope. OK, so it's not the 104 days of mental rusting as enjoyed by Phineas and Ferb, but still. Jof has booked us a holiday abroad (to the Island of Greater Vectis) and I have my new bike. I don't even want to think about being a Year 2 in September, I might have to be a prefect and everything.
Bud advised me to have a few random circuits round swingpark to get the feel of the new machine and this was sensible. And OMFG. I am now Captain Fast, a fleeting vision in yellow, a high-energy neutron in the bubble chamber of life. He couldn't keep up for long. The big thick tyres absorb all road bumps leaving my bottom comfortable upon the saddle. The brakes work. I'm higher up. Everything's great. The world is my chocolate cupboard.
Bud advised me to have a few random circuits round swingpark to get the feel of the new machine and this was sensible. And OMFG. I am now Captain Fast, a fleeting vision in yellow, a high-energy neutron in the bubble chamber of life. He couldn't keep up for long. The big thick tyres absorb all road bumps leaving my bottom comfortable upon the saddle. The brakes work. I'm higher up. Everything's great. The world is my chocolate cupboard.
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