Of late, I have started to wear my night-mask thing in bed. You know, the little eye-mask you used to get on the British Airways long-haul flights to Johannesburg. Perhaps I could instead choose to sleep without the night light on.
At school today the Year 2s performed "Snow White and the 7 dwarves", an ebullient, nay, incandescent production with villagers, royalty, trees, a horse race with actual bookies and absolutely no dwarves, a bold foray into modern fusion entertainment. Shakespeare would surely have approved. Valete, Year 2s and bon voyage to the Junior school adjacent to our hallowed asphalt.
Swimming was great, I managed a whole length again but during supper the grey clouds of headache and tiredness enveloped me and I was crashed out in bed by 7pm. No doubt the shenanigans of last night and the full working (and playing) week were factors. With luck I shall awake at a reasonable hour fully refreshed.
In other news, at Giant Tesco last weekend Bud found a new beer "Diamond Reign" at a mere £1 per bottle where one would normally expect to pay at least £2. One wonders whether sales of this beer are better than its ill-fated predecessor "Golden Reign".
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