But as soon as he was back the Toyroom painting project was on again so I helped Jof clear out the art cupboard. A lot of it was rubbish so that went, and I made up an arty gift box for Erin and Beth to say thank you for yesterday. OK, translation actually is - offloading a pile of assorted bits onto someone else.
During the excavations, she discovered 6 pairs of scissors in there, deposited no doubt by the Scissor Fairy (not affiliated with the Scissor Sisters).
Then Jof painted the kitchen while he ran and I watched Scooby-Doo and TV for ages. Then he went into the loft for hours and sorted while I got loads of time on the computer playing games. This moving house business is great, there's no work at all.
Next in a series of "Things You'd Forgotten You Ever Had In Your Loft". This highly suspicious painting (done in enamel on an old mirror) is signed Bud 1990. I cannot possibly think what made him paint these sparkly lines and wheels and ladders spinning in infinity and unfolding forever into space, but I do like the picture of the funny mushrooms drying in the sun right at the top.
It belongs to a bygone era and will go to the tip.
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