The Popses have flown away this morning on yet another foreign holiday so we get to feed her rabbit!
I may chase it round the garden for exercise as well. However tonight I must delegate that responsibility to Jof as I'm off to Ooo-ar land to check up on the Gparents.
We took Cousin Margaret with us to save on her train fares and even managed to stop off at Bens' favourite exercise park in Dorchester for a burn.
We met a deceased badger in the middle of the road: maggots fell out of it and it whiffed something terrible so we ran away.
I may chase it round the garden for exercise as well. However tonight I must delegate that responsibility to Jof as I'm off to Ooo-ar land to check up on the Gparents.
After lunch we did the 2 mile trek round the block again, there are lots of hills and pushing a wheelchair was difficult, lucky I didn't have to do it.
Homework is unfair. Why should I travel 90 miles just to do more work?
Anyway, at supper Bud had a beer but not much as the burnt taste led to him seeing it was more than 5 years past its eat-by date. This in turn led to another 12 from the larder that were eat-by 2004-2010.
Also at supper I didn't like the shepherds pie that Grandad had slaved over at great effort (rather like getting your cook to design your telephone exchange) and so elected to grump, shower and bed with no fossil trip tomorrow rather than eat even a replacement meal. Only when the toothpaste was in my mouth did I change my mind and put away a whole plateful with smiles and lemon tart.
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