I entered the Lego competition that Elizabeth told me about with my Doofenschmirtz building, then I was just destroying it when the Erins came round to deliver some stuff we'd abandoned. They loved my bugs-in-stasis collection and Erin did some quality Legoing with me while the geriatrics talked curtains, crochet and car parking.
I think next year we should do the Puddle Easter party, we can load up on chocolate and have an Easter Egg hunt, while the adults load up on beer from the brewery at the top of the island and have an Easter Keg hunt. Aha.
Due to excessive free time we walked to the hardware giant B+Q and I selected one of the new, taller wheelie baskets to drag around with me. We weren't going to buy anything, I just like to wheel a basket around. We examined: huge plant pots, tiles, loft insulation, P-shaped baths, lighting, loftboards, showers and toilets. At the start I exclaimed loudly every time I found a new colour of tile, then I went off by myself doing circuits of the store with my wheelie trolley and then it all got a bit boring and I made Jof shout at me for crashing my orange trolley into her legs for the 9th time. The only solution was home for TV, tea and biscuits. Works for me.
Mostly we have simple meals, prepared by simple cooks. But every now and then Jof rebels against pasta with garlic bread/fish cakes and broccoli etc, so last night we had 9-component chicken roast and Xmas pudding with custard. As you do.
Mostly we have simple meals, prepared by simple cooks. But every now and then Jof rebels against pasta with garlic bread/fish cakes and broccoli etc, so last night we had 9-component chicken roast and Xmas pudding with custard. As you do.
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