I have a homework project to complete over the holidays and I find it extremely frustrating that I have to do it myself. Jof had done me some notes on badgers culled from Wikipedia, no doubt, and I couldn't read her writing and I don't understand and can't you just do it for me. I get quite cross, I may be able to blog fluently on a daily basis but I simply can't digest and regurgitate details of the lives of these pesky nocturnal omnivores. I mean, Jof made a Disaster Badger, what more do you want?
We still haven't moved house. Neither has Grandad. Originally we said we'll have a race, see who moves first, now I suspect we're having an anti-race, stalling, procrastinating and delaying to see who can move last.
The sleeping solicitors had sent us another thing to sign so we got on a very full bus. Then 37 foreign students all in their tight jeans got off, leaving us and a couple of grannies so we tickled and quackled all the way to Jof who exchanged a return bus ticket for a car key. After a few more charity shops and bath fizzers my feet were tired and I regained the sofa. In one shop in town I found one of those Boris Johnson Bendy-Buses, a cheap plastic tat thing with 1 wheel missing, but you know when you've trailed round so many shops you feel like you've just got to buy something? Jof has said we've ransacked every shop in Hampshire, we'll have to go further afield. So tomorrow we do Sussex.
Many people own a dishwasher: ours does the washing up after I've gone to bed and puts it away dry at 0530 the following morning, minimising the impact of dirty crockery on my daily life. I never run out of cutlery. But the procedure at Grandma's is slightly longer. The door of the dishwasher stands open until it is filled. It works overnight, which is at least relatively sensible, and then its door stands open again for Part 1 of the drying process. An orange plastic trolley from 1980 that accompanied us around the world is wheeled towards it, filled, and returned to its lair under the cat food cupboard (cats long deceased) and a calendar dishcloth from 1978 is placed over it. On Day 4 it can all be put away. On family visits, unscheduled demands are put on the system with extra cups and plates being used. Thus we have been told in the past that we cannot have a cup of tea because the cups haven't been put away yet. Attempts to remove a cup directly from the trolley before Drying Stage 2 is complete are met with stern huffs and confusion.
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