As ever, he did the roundabout too fast and we lost a small girl to centrifugal forces beyond her comprehension. I managed all of the monkey bars, a first for me. The park is right on the shores of the lake and very picturesque with it: there is a boating pier and a cafe that does all sorts of proper food, PuddleParents would approve. At the end of the pier was a little boy feeding some tame geese with food from the cafe, and a shopping trolley visible in the water.
The bus stop had blood. Lots of it. The police car parked nearby was a focus for some serious-looking chaps discussing the blood. We crossed over and hit the first of 6 charity shops. It was rubbish. Such shops rely on the locals for their stock and it seems that there are no children in Petersfield, for the kid's section was rudimentary at best. If I'd wanted Meccano or Transformers I would have been OK but there you go. He bought a bath fizzer and a fruit bowl.
Having seen the train station (no trains today) we headed back, despondently, but still following the trail of blood spots that the stabbรจd man had left behind him on his long inefficient wandering escape from the Bus Stop Assailants. We surmised he must have been a punctured postman, for he seemed to have gone everywhere.
In the afternoon he tried again and despite looking in another 8 shops, came back with only an England hat, because I had said I needed another cap. It was still sunny so we hit the seafront, threw rocks, made a sea wall (my latest craze) and wasted some money in the arcade of flashing lights. My feet are tired.
Hobbit Corner - Memories of yesteryear, from people living in the past1. The Pile of Tights. One of Jof's favourites, this stems from our freaky forebears' mindset of reusing/repairing anything. A decent attitude: depends how far you take it. Jof saw a pile of tights and cooking aprons in the sewing room (yes, they had so many rooms, one was dedicated to sewing) and asked why. "They're waiting to be darned" was the answer. Well darn me, I didn't know you could feasibly repair tights, or why you'd want to given their retail price. Ditto the kitchen aprons, given that you have a drawer full of unused ones in the kitchen, still in their original plastic bags. I guess if you have no money and will live for a further 500 years, these things could be important, shame neither apply to the Hobbits.
Love that there were rights AND cooking aprons!
ReplyDeleteYou won't catch my mum going to Petersfid again. EVER.
Love Ben x