I started with outside jobs. I pushed the broom around the garden. I told Jof she could clean the BBQ. I allowed Bud to do the hoovering. I awarded Jof the task of wiping down all the garden furniture. Thus exhausted, I was playing candy crush saga on Jof's tablet when he made me come with him to source wood for the bonfire. Fires are important to us and our parties, and we do have old paperwork and cardboard to dispose of. So we hit the Pompey centre and hoiked some broken pallets and 5 assorted cable drums, a personal favourite.
Gradually the Puddlers arrived. The Popses had elected to hold their own rival BBQ party so we could see Pops bouncing on her trampoline only 3 houses north of our location but sadly utterly unconnected to our own event.
Then suddenly, the food ran out so the BBQ coals went on the bonfire, which went up a treat. I was in charge again, but only in my own head, so we took it in turns to incinerate cable drums and cardboard and pallet fragments. Erin said that the roaring of the fire was like her mummy fluffing and there was lots of raucous laughter from the beery ones, I think that was biologically unlikely but I suppose she should know her own mummy. In the end, we had all taken our turns and the adults were getting a little fractious and anxious so we left them to it. Because we had been remiss and pedestrian in our wood-sourcing efforts, the wood ran out and as per desperate measures, he called Orphan Box.
Hey bleedin' presto, the mood changed and we all waited in slavering Pavlov-dog style anticipation. The Orphan Box was opened before us, and we fell upon its promised goodness like the unwashed natives of insanity.
At about half seven, they left. Now, for some PuddleParties, this would be a mortal insult. But tomorrow is a school day so we understand.
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