Happy Friday! We've got an easy one tonight as Jof is out at the pub with the PuddleMummies. ErinsMum is 35 which technically means she had Erin when she was 12, so I think Erin is lying about her age. Anyway, because of this, Bud promised me Soss (sausages) + Roodles (noodles) + Pron Crax (prawn crackers), a top-end chap-O-rama repast one would expect at the Dorchester or the Ritz. We searched the rather bare cupboards and found a packet of ribbon noodles. They were 3 years and 2 weeks out of date. O what a tangled web we weave, when you're a total spanner. Happy, happy compost heap.
At school today someone used the computer to design "Brown Ninja", whose power/special skill is fart bombs. He uses his FürtzenBomben to distract and disorient his opponents, then he stabs them with his brown er, sword. This is similar to the "Garlic Dalek", a small clockwork tabletop model like a salt cellar which dispenses malodorous pongs to distract a board game opponent when one of its sink plungers is pressed.
Jof forgot her phone so I delivered it to her at work (when you're 7 you can evade security anywhere) and got some poster tubes in return. This means she can now text all her PuddleMummy mates to talk about where they're going to have cocktails and so forth.
Today at swimming we doled out some disc drive spacer rings and disc clamps to Fraser and the ginger kid who really needs a haircut. Turns out that ginger's dad used to work at Bud's current workplace so has a collection of super-magnets all of his own. But he hasn't done THIS. Srsly, how many people have?
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