Wednesday 27 March 2013

Easter Basket Case

easter baskets with eggs and chocolatedifficult rubiks cubeThis morning we took in the Easter Basket for the class competition. Mine has improved since last week and last night Jof even knitted it a crochet-handle. Erin reckons she'll win, but then her Mum is arty in that kind of way. Perhaps it'll be too highbrow - from the way Daisy won the self-designed medal thing last month, it may pay to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
lego nativity scene with animals guards jesusFather Paul from the Beavers church did a speech to us today to try and recruit more paying customers. I have declared that I believe in god and that he made the earth. This recently instilled belief (kids'll believe anything) does not sit comfortably with my own status as deity, nor with someone who knew that santa, ghosts, god and the tooth fairy et al were pretend from a very young age.
pile of loose lego randomWe were allowed back into school to see the easter basket selection. The whole school had entered and each class took up a whole trestle table. It was yellow fluffy things as far as the eye could see, apart from one inventive one in Lego, with 3 humanoids on crosses with guards of all millenia attending.
At home I was busy Legoing when Ben came to reclaim his Lego Hero Furno so we tipped the whole Lego crate onto the floor to search for Ninjago components. Later BensMum lost her phone so we searched the house to no avail. Turned out that Ben had nicked it and was in the toilet watching dodgy videos on it.

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