Ooo-Arr! Dorset! Time to help the GParents prepare for moving house. We left early and made the journey in 1 hour 43 minutes - practically Xmas day speed. All you have to do is get stuck behind one tractor or elderly biddy and you're travelling at 10mph but today that didn't happen.
To make up for it we visited Westways swingpark which isn't large but had a vast contingent of girlies from the prestigious Sherborne School learning to smoke with the local boys. It's got a splendid double-height spiral staircase'n'slide which we went on many times. Later, back at the ranch (it's really only half an acre) I went for a walk with Grandad up the hill to yet another prestigious girl's school while Bud and Grandma tackled a cupboard and created new piles for the tip and the charity shop. I got a first world war officer's sword and medals, he got a cauldron and large saucepan. I got an unopened box of christmas crackers, he got a selection of calendars from last century. Then I Lego-Heroed until bedtime.
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