The girls made plane noises and I was a chattering machine gun which was handy because I make that noise all the time anyway. I am a legless chap like Eddie Murphy at the beginning of Trading Places due to a land mine so they will push me round on a little wheeled trolley. I took lots of notes and we have many ideas and if I get to be the lead role I'll be onstage for ages. The large amount of films in my memories proved a great source of inspiration.
After hours and hours of Minecraft I went for a run. This is something I agreed to while drunk, I think, but because my little tummy sticks out a bit and I've already entered the Great South Kiddie Run in October, I have to lose weight and gain fitness and apparently that's how the army do it. So we only went round the park a bit but I ran for 10 minutes, not including gaps for breathing. I also tried to renegotiate the whole way round but talking while running didn't work out so well for me.
Later I made spinach and Ricotta pasta for myself as part of the Cub Scout Getting-off-your-bottie-and-doing-stuff-for-yourself badge.
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