Saturday 4 April 2015

Oubliette; The Lego Crafting Table

I'm an ordinary man. A simple man am I ... but we all have our differences. So when they ask me what differentiates me from the common hoi polloi, I might very well say, what do I have in my bedroom that you may not have?
lego crafting tableWell, for my 7th birthday, I got a dining table. Mildly strange, but there you go, a fully fledged expanding table with lathed and milled pedestal that we decorated with several Lego flats, making a playspace of immortality and infinite possibility, good for castles and so forth. Jof made food so we didn't need to leave the house all day.
We used the Crafting Table to create my current fantasy which is a physical version of my minecraft world. I am game-space controller and Bud was wall-builder and Jof did some brick-hunting and gradually the Lego bricks were colour sorted and we ran out of white and had to go on to black and then red and you've just gotta look forward to the towers which could be of any colour .... The Oubliette refers to a prison cell I've built into the outer curtain wall.
Sorry. Watched 'Coming to America' on TV so laughed myself to bed.

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