Wednesday, 4 February 2015

New Parents, Please

Quite a lot of PE at school today and then the Maths afternoon with added parents. I was on a table of six for the improbable quantum event and we had problems to solve such as:
british parrot missing for four years returns speaking spanishMake 3 squares using 4 long straws and 4 short straws, he who draws the short straw walks the plank, and
I have 4 stacks of coins. Stack 1 is 2 coins shorter than Stack 2, which has 4 more than Stack 3 on a damp Wednesday in Cleethorpes. Splendid Battenburg, Mrs Brown of Kettering and Oh, they're coming off for 2nd Tea with India struggling on 316 for 8, need another 56 to avoid the follow-on with 3 overs left. How many cups of coffee, minus caffeine but with an unexpected teabag, will I be able to get out of the machine with the coins in Stack 4?
Anyway, we all finished our mathematical conundra with time enough to design a rocket-boat. Bud turned up just as we had cleared it all away and I was very angry, everyone else had parents except me. We did a charity shop drive-by dumping of all the stuff from Obscure Cousin Margaret, this time favouring "Aladdin's Cave" on Highland Road because it's easy to park.
Having finished the Harry Potter series, I'm now giving Terry Pratchett a go.

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