Sunday, 15 February 2015

Beware the Trojan Donkey

Sunday. Consumed a double-egg omelette with ham, cheese, style and flair. Jof got Bangalore belly from the too-old chicken yesterday but I didn't.
The car failed to start so we sent him off in Jof's car instead, lucky we've got 2.
At heart I am a malcontent, well, I was not content with doing only 1 Greco-Roman chariot for my half-term homework. So I did a Parthenon as well, and then Jof and I collaborated on a Trojan horse.
lego chariot and trojan donkeyNow, I don't know if any of you humans out there have met this thing called Lego, I've done the odd bit here and there, and I notice that they're having a Lego building event at the Spinnaker Tower over half-term so maybe Ben and I can team up again.
But Lego isn't so good for doing sweeping curves, round things or unevenly shaped things like horses. So our horse was quite blocky, it'd fit right into Minecraft, and it has a definite essence of Donkey. But it has an epic butt-flap to poo out the hordes of screaming Trojan warriors with their flaming torches and stabbing weapons, and we decided not to add wheels as it was already perfect, just like me. Because Jof was quiet I was able to while away many hours watching Stampylonghead and Ballistic Squid, my 2 favourite stoners failing to cope with Minecraft worlds in their own confused way.

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