Friday 1 February 2013

Next time will do, He-Man

He-Man and Masters of the Universe follows a well-trodden cartoon format of 
evil cartoon villains  Main Hero and assorted worthy hangers-on, all with their own reasons for withdrawing from society. At least one will be the quite presentable daughter of another team member
 Main Villain and sprinkling of allied Evil Henchbeings of various species, including incompetent chimeric entities with pointy masks of many colours. Grimaces are permanent and can never be revoked
 Heroes just want a quiet life in their vast isolated fortified castle with no visible mains water supply but Villains keep coming up with evil schemes to steal the Forgotten Jewel of Thrunge/Secret Portal of P'Tang and thereby control the kingdom/planet/tri-state area
he-man i have the power Large battle with lots of athletic posturing (but no kicking in the exposed goolies) in which all seems lost for the Goodies until Main Hero says his magic words and eats spinach/whips out his heirloom stabbing weapon and his theme tune goes all echoey and lightning strikes his upstretched shaft and it shines an ethereal yet benevolent light over the landscape with purple and green twingly whizzy bits, rather like the wrong kind of mushrooms
if you know what I mean funny meme Chief Villain, who was about to win, suddenly decides to cower in awe at the sheer size of his opponent's electrified prong and retreats, saying ye hast won this time, [Enter name of Hero here], but I shall return and wreak my terrible vengeance upon thee!  He then cackles manically like someone who's put too much Bolivian Marching Powder in his coffee, and escapes the scene using a previously concealed pair of wings with his special Evil Emblem emblazoned or embroidered thereupon. Emblems should be a) preposterous b) brightly coloured/easily recognizable for younger viewers and c) entirely novel, for trademark infringement purposes
 The victorious Heroes make moralistic speeches about their righteousness and denigrate Communism or Capitalism, depending on the age of the cartoon. There follows an implied Pun about the Villain's costume that would not be out of place in an adult Xmas cracker
 During the Pun, diverse injured Evil Henchbeings will re-animate and run away to rejoin their evil collective, carefully forgetting that they were callously abandoned by their master when they fell in battle. The Heroes will allow this tactically dubious move as without arch-adversaries for the next royal rumble, their lives would be meaningless
 Various Heroic associates will be tended back to full fighting health by the Daughter with the Tight Top in her role as nurse, when she isn't being helicopter pilot, radio operator, detective, undercover Princess or research scientist.
It was while trying to enunciate the parting curses of the defeated Villain that I just couldn't come up with anything better than "Next time will do, He-Man!"
don't believe in global warming or evolution idiotsHappy Friday to all! The estate agent has found us another house-viewer so it's hoover frenzy once more. It'll be even more fun this time given that we haven't finished repainting Bedroom 1 and the furniture is scattered throughout the house.
In school, Erin showed off her photo scrapbook with pictures of her Dad in Cub Scout uniform, and many with me. I have of course known her for about 5 years now, a point I shall profit from when she is elected Prime Minister. In spelling I was concentrating on getting the hard words right but failed to spell 'Cottage' correctly - can anybody tell me what Cootage is? It sounds highly suspect.
dirty water from central heating systemAs soon as we got home I snacked generously while he painted. Swimming was ace as usual, only 3 in our group today although Thomas, Fraser and I shared another hilarious and inappropriate changing session afterwards with much flashing and showing off of botties (video not available).
Once we got home it was rush rush rush with hoovering and painting, I helped remove the radiator so the wall behind it could be painted, I'm sure there's a good reason for that and the silly message we left there. I got paint on my shirt even though he said don't go near the cupboard. Life is fun.

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