Thursday, 19 March 2015

Game of Thrones

sussex bacon company delivery lorry Today was completely different. Last month we all had to pay for a Hoplite which is not some form of exercise, but an authentic Ancient Greek Soldier who has been time-travelled from the Bronze age but has also been taught English.
groundlings theatre portsmouth stage propsHe hopped and danced and explained all about the weapons they had and how you couldn't wield your sword properly in battle for fear of decapitating your mate, and how you couldn't wield your spear properly for fear of skewering the chap behind you. Even the slaves fought, although they only had rocks and had to bash in the heads of the opposition, sounds like that Pompey v Luton football match a couple of weeks ago.
Well the blokes had it tough, you were basically either tilling the fields or stabbing the opposition, but if you were a woman you got shut away in the villa and made clothes all day, although there was a special time of the month when they all got to go shopping.
groundlings theatre portsmouth In the afternoon I signed up at the theatre for my drama lessons. I've gone for the hardcore stagecraft establishment not the happy-singy-dancy place although it was a tough call. They had a Tudor costume drying on the doorhandle and a throne that was too big for me, maybe I'll grow into it.
It was surprisingly busy in the office bit and I had to sign on the dotted line but I haven't had to choose my stage name yet. At home I went into the loft and chose a Bag. Every activity has to have a bag, so I've always got the right stuff, some emergency money and somewhere to keep the script and the make-up remover.
Jof abandoned us to witness the opening of a new Cheese'n'Wine emporium so we had film night (Ghostbusters). I said the beginning was boring because all they do is talk but then it got fun and we spotted the reporter git and round cop from Die Hard and Groundhog Day man and Louis from Trading Places and I haven't seen Alien yet so didn't recognise Ripley. I went to bed singing about how Bustin' makes me feel good.

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