School was different today because we didn't do any science at all - but did 3 1/2 hours of RE. Perhaps the teachers went to the Genesis Creationist Dinosaur Museum as well and have changed the school syllabus. I drew a muscle-bound Poseidon being squeezed by a much bigger Zeus.
The Year 3s had a paint fight and were allowed to spludge each other in the faces with paint. Why can't we do that?
At home I am banned from Minecraft for a day, for being ... difficult, and full of attitude to the exclusion of all else. Therefore I had lots of free time and fewer things to fill it with. I elected to draw a Snake-God, unrelated to Stargate.
His name is Oddglesland-as-alas and he lives on Pluto and he defends his Castle-burrow with Snake dispensers and Snake-egg-throwers. He has a six-pack, although generally when I draw a god, they have nine-packs.
In Scouts we took in the collection of Sainsburys' school vouchers. Last time we had a voucher whip-round, they were able to buy some outside play equipment.
And then they said could Bud be the new Quartermaster, which is in charge of the special Scouts warehouse where they keep all the pillories and Iron Maidens etc they use on the camping trips.
We are working towards our Fitness Challenge Badge so did resting heart rates and they couldn't find my pulse and said I was a living dead, but secretly I know I'm a cybernetic organism. We did some exercises like walking with a beanbag on your head and jumping over ropes and then re-took the pulse rates and averaged them out over the groups and my group won!
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