When we got home he said undo the knotted arms of my jumper (round my waist) and I said I understood knots. So he came back a minute later with me with my feet on 1 arm and my hands on the other, pulling the knot tight for all I was worth and crying and shouting at it. It wasn't a good time.
The backup plan was to retire to ours, luckily Box 8 is up and running so we all totally invaded my house and thumped and bumped and giggled in the giant box. We all became numbered 'Prirates'.
Eventually I managed it by refusing to move until he did it for me, a tactic that has worked well for me over the years. We got to Wednesday park a little late because of this shouty episode and Ben and the JBs and Erin met me straight away. We headed for the bush and climbed it again, stripping off more and more branches, weighing it down and denuding it further.
When we headed back to the swingpark we all had at least 1 branch and jumped around like a lot of little Morrisseys until it rained.
There were a few moans and groans for there's only 1 way up and down and only 2 coffins so we couldn't all have it our own way so some of us decamped to play Lego. When they left we cleared up the room just in time for Jof to get home.
You are a prirate