Second up was my trip to Toys'r'us for some Lego - goodness me it's expensive! I could have got a Millenium Falcon, a snip at only £130. Most of the big boxes seemed to be in the £40-£60 region, so my £28 from Nanna didn't go far, I only got one Ninjago motorbike and a LegoHero.
The PuddleParty followed its usual course with beer and dancing and hordes of kids running around. It seemed that having one or more kids was a prerequisite for entry to the event (apart from a group of single men who discussed growing weeds in their sheds, why would you want to do that?) and we all invaded Pops' room and trashed it, while her older sister tried to empty the Pimms bottle before anyone noticed. I earned a quid for finding somebody's shoes - mildly strange, but as no-one else could be bothered to help her, I've gained ££. Bethsdad had to go home early with a self-inflicted beer-related head injury but Baby Edward was still toddling around when I left.
I did manage a shower before bed but was asleep swiftly.
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