Thursday 12 March 2015

None of that Lip, you

parenting fail funnyAnother weird day at school. They have invented a thing called a 'Suggestion Box' where you can anonymously scribble rude words on bits of folded paper and leave them for the teachers to find later.
I had an idea about having more nurses on duty because at the end of break-time, there's always a big queue of damaged kids looking for plaster casts, stitches, sympathy and morphine. In fact today I was just playing 'Menagerie' with Sam - we were dog-human hybrids with bazookas and then we switched to sheep in combat and when I was a cow they milked my bladders don't even talk to me about being a pig eating mud but then I was a man in a dog's body and shot Sam with pork chop launchers.
fluffy eyebrows on comedy red spectacles children in needBut then I banged my lip on one of the wooden poles that wasn't there a minute ago, honest.
I went to the office to staunch the flow of lifeblood and I met one of the twins being sick and the adult took some people to the Year 6 rooms upstairs leaving us alone with our haemorrhages and ebolas and embolisms. This is why I suggested a little cottage hospital with hot and cold running nurses on permanent standby, or at least one of those airport travelators to the A+E ward.
But my lip stopped dripping by itself and I went to maths where I was the only one who could do a reflex angle using a protractor, all because of those magic triangles that Grandad got me to draw and measure.
Later we did go to the park but it was cold and we didn't know anyone so it was warmer in the World Of Minecraft. Terry Pratchett died today. First Nimoy, now him, anyone else?? I am half way through my 4th Pratchett book, lucky he's done a few more.
My fatal head injury has healed, but it's given me eyebrows.

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